Monday, February 25, 2008

It's a fair request

This is an excellent commentary on the issues facing parents of special needs children in Missouri. As a parent who has lost much sleep, a marriage, and is on the verge of financial ruin, I cannot tell you how meaningful it would be to see passage of the bills that are currently being debated at our state capitol. They are tuition tax credits that, if I qualify for, would allow me to get the much needed support for my daughter who has many developmental issues. I cannot afford to move, nor would my daughter tolerate it well, nor would moving to another district guarantee that it would be the right fit for my daughter. I know many parents with a special needs child who uprooted their entire family for the sake of one, moving to a new district and then soon finding that it wasn't the best choice after all. Then they move again. This is absurd and yet it happens again and again.

This video tells my story too and that of many Missourians. Supporting the bills, SB 770 and SB993 and HB1886 (aka: "Bryce's Law") would help those of us out here drowning in defense of our children. We are not asking for hand-outs. These bills do not drain public monies nor threaten the viability of public schools. They would give freedom of movement to my daughter and alleviate the burden from public schools that cannot serve her and others like her. I want my success story and happy ending for my daughter. It's a fair request and poses no undue burden on society~in fact, helping her now, and others like her will alleviate the financial burden that will surely arrive at the doorstep of taxpayers in the future if I cannot help my daughter become an independent and contributing citizen. That's really what we want for our children~Again, it's a fair request.

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