Tuesday, July 8, 2008

School Choice in Florida makes headway

From the Penn Patriot:
The School Choice movement is growing in Florida, with Gov. Charlie Christ signing into law a $30 million expansion of the state's existing program.The expansion will provide scholarships to send an estimated 6,000 low-income children to better schools.Meanwhile back in Pennsylvania, the education lobby puts up roadblocks to School Choice, fearing that competition would expose the inadequacies of the existing public school monopoly.To learn more about school choice in Pennsylvania, visit SchoolChoiceSaves.org

Florida is really leading the way in the realm of school choice. It occurs to me that the states that really give school choice a chance end up loving it and seeing the value, and the states that seem bent in opposition are just the ones who haven’t had the guts to try it.
St. Louis Public Schools are starting to complain about how much money they need to make their schools better, yet they don’t want to go down the path of more choices for students. Florida, though, has seen $150 million in savings to the state budget. 10,000 families applied for scholarships in Florida over the funding cap, leading Democrats and Republicans alike to call for an expansion of the program.
Those who see any sort of voucher, tuition tax credit or scholarship program as a way for the rich to get a break on a private school will be shocked to note that the average household income for scholarship recipients (for a family of four) is $24,000.
This is really great news and a testament to the green-eggs-and-ham of school choice.
Try it, try it and you may! Try it, and you may, I say!

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