Monday, January 5, 2009

Children with Special Needs Not Receiving Free and Appropriate Education

Parents face countless obstacles in regards to their children. Unfortunately, some parents face more than others. Parents of special needs children not only have to struggle with every day tasks, they also have to struggle with thing that should be given to every child.
This is taken from

Obstacles Experienced by Students with Disabilities & Their Families
Almost a quarter century following the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), students with disabilities and their families still commonly face obstacles to securing the free appropriate public education (FAPE) that the law promises. The impact of noncompliance with IDEA is difficult to overestimate. Every Parent Training and Information (PTI) center in the country hears daily about the toll taken on students whose educational and related services needs are not being met and on the parents who expend incredible amounts of energy advocating for basic access to educational programs for their children. Appendix B provides a general list of the obstacles faced by students with disabilities and their families that were intended to be addressed by IDEA. Problems in all of these areas persist today.

The experience of many parents gives the impression that compliance with the law is the exception rather than the rule. Parents frequently face repeated challenges year after year, sometimes throughout the entire elementary and secondary educational experience of the child. The stress of working with a recalcitrant school system that appears to not want to work with a parent to educate a disabled child can be tremendous. The recent controversy over the discipline provisions in IDEA has fueled special education cases related to suspension and expulsion of students.

The point being is that children with special needs are not receiving the education they need...they deserve. Something needs to be done to fix that and I am not seeing it.

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