Thursday, February 26, 2009

Online Classes Open Opportunities

While Missouri still currently remains a state without many educational opportunities for children, we are at the very least, allowed to use some virtual learning methods. While this is still controversial for some, the fact is that it opens doors for many children. Those children and parents who cannot choose where they go to school, some will have opportunities to chose online classes. By doing so, they are exposed to a bigger variety of courses, can work from home, and will have exposure to other teachers.

In the STL Today Blogs:

Schools could get funding for online classes
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

JEFFERSON CITY — The Senate Education Committee today heard about a bill that would allow school districts to get funding for online classes the same way they get funding for regular classes.

Senate President Pro Tem Charlie Shields, R-St. Joseph, sponsored the bill, which garnered support from several school-related organizations.

Proponents said it would allow schools more flexibility, particularly for students who want to take more classes or don’t like normal school hours. They said it also would allow for a wider range of classes, especially in small or rural districts.

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